About Me!

This is my first public blog – I’m going to mix up anything interesting with random thoughts, a bit of a dumpfile for whatever comes to mind. I love reading other blogs and I’ve always wondered what I could use blogspace for, apart from merely republishing information with endless “click to read more…” links.. comments on comments and news about news is a waste of bandwidth.

I’ve spent a lot of my life fiddling with networks and have been involved with Fidonet and the Internet since I was 10 years old.. I’m now 31 so I guess I’m starting late blog-wise; mostly I trawl Usenet and IRC but maybe I’ll catch up with the 21st century interweb sometime soon!

I’ve previously lived in the UK, Belgium, Holland and Spain recently, so I do like to travel around a lot! I’ve worked in IT as a network engineer and Linux tech-head, amongst other things. I have suffered greatly from social phobia and ADHD which means life’s always pretty chaotic.

This gives me plenty of time to blog and learn: I’m into Buddhist teachings, theoretical physics and cosmology, neurology, space exploration, nuclear fusion reactors, psychadelic drugs, shamanic rituals, expanding consciousness, ecology, parallel CPU programming, self-organizing systems and electronic freedom to name but a few subjects. I hope to go to university sometime soon to study Physics as I am fascinated by this Universe of ours and the “how” and “why” of it all.

I speak Dutch, some French and English, but happy to receive email in any other language for a challenge :) I’m jaminja@jabber.org for XMPP/googletalk etc.

May all beings everywhere be free and happy.


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